Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some random picture of the month

Monday, April 28, 2008

27th April 2008

Came home from Ang Mo Kio at around 1pm... Pack lunch for Bibi...

Rest for a while and when down to help Mummy....

About 8plus... Mum's customer told me that her friend is going to abandon a dog if no one is going to adopt it by TONIGHT!!!!

So I went to pick up the dog and when stright home... After picking up my stuff I went o Cheryl house... I am going to keep it with my sister from now onwards...

Reach there at 10plus... Discuss about this poor dog till late night 1.30pm then sleep....

NOW my dog is name as JOJO!!!!! wahahaha...

We have new memeber...
She is named as JoJo!!!
26th April 2008

Once I start I cant stop.... hahahaha...


Wee!!! hahahaha.....

Anyway bibi when offshore fishing tonight with his friends....


Majong for me lo.... When to Ang Mo Kio with Jane....

Start playing at about 11pm.... with Da Jie, Cheryl and Jane...


1 Kill 3... wahahahaha.... Well done!!!

Game ended at 5pm... I am so tired le by then...

25th April 2008

Work lor!!!

After work MAJONG!!!! Start playing at 7pm with Alvina, her BF and Ivan...

1 person win 3 person and that person is ME!!!! well done me... hee.. hee...

Play till 12plus and when to sleep cause tommorrow still have to work!!! so tired my body...

Win Win WIN!!!
24th April 2008

Cannot le!!!

Today I die die also have to crawl to work and after work I have to visit Liyn...

And I really did it....

hahaha... So proud of myself.. heehee... (I know bo liao right? but nvm)

Anyway like I say this morning I woke up earlier then Cheryl lor... Went to work with her and after work when to visit Liyn... Met Ivor and Alvin there... But at about 8plus went home with Alvin in cab...

Took my medicine and ZZZzzzz le....

23rd April 2008

Supposed to go visit Liyn today... BUT!!! Tired after my medician...

At 5.30pmalmost to off work timing.. My phone start ringing none stop...

St James kaki called...Rejected and rejected again and again... NON STOP!!!


Reach home Bibi not at home went I am sick...



9pm pick up Jennifer when there till 1am... And off I went to Cheryl house to sleep...

Surprise!!! Cause I am not drunk...
hee..hee.. hee..
22nd April 2008

Well, I was so super tired in the morning. I also don know why...

Anyway in fact... Liyn only admitted into SGH in the morning 4am plus...

Dam it....

Wat the hell are they doing sia.... Pay them.. Yet they so slow... A&E lay... They wait since last night 9pm lay... HOW MANY HOURS LE!!!! KAOZ!!!!

Anyway today I am really very tired.. My body really very jia lat... cause alot of rashes, flu, cough and having tummy ache... So after work rush stright home to see a doctor... But doctor say I am only eat wrong thing and inter too heaty.. Plus too much drinking and smoking causes my rashes and cough... NB!!!!

Went home tok my medician and fall asleep le...

Sick sick sick again....
21st April 2008

After work went home stright again...


Surpise right...

Recently I realy feel so weak and my health is getting bad le...

Worrying about my body condition now... So now a day I will try to rush home to rest at home after work as fast as I can...

Well, resting half way... Dear called ask me to go out for walk as he have got Mummy's lancer to bring me for a ride... Off we go to Changi beach and East Coast Park. Head back to return car to mummy at 10plus...

Met He Yao and Ting Yao there... Have my dinner and drank a few bottle with them till 11plus...

Thanks to Ting Yao kor... He send us back after that...

Rush home and recieved a all from Liyn... She is admitted to hospital with Pei Yi accompanying her... Wah Kao!!!

I am too tired to go down to the hosptial le by then...

So I guess tommorrow then go see her ba...

Praying hard that Liyn is fine...
20th April 2008

Basically I am so busy with my work till I cant really rememeber wat happen the whole week le...

But I will try to recall it...

Today is a Sunday... I was supposed to help mummy but because of my leg... heehee..

I DON HAVE TO GO!!!! wahahahaha.....

Went to TM to have a walk Bibi and small Bi... Have Long John sliver for lunch after lunch shop around for a while and we went home...

Cause of my leg and I am too tired le...

Yawnz... Slept all the way till 7pm then wake up...

Have my dinner and went back to sleep again...

Becoming a pig soon...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

19th April 2008

So disappointed with some one today.. But I guess forget it ba...

YOUNG is the word...

I just finish playing Majong.. Won $40 bucks...

Wake up around 2plus today... When stright to help mummy at 5pm...

After helping came stright up to Ang Mo Kio for 2 round of majong with Xiao Mei, Liyn and Calfred...

So tired now... Eyes closing up soon...

I am so tired le...
I guess I am down again...
I miss Bibi...
Haven't seen you since Tuesday till NOW!!!!
18th April 2008

Took a half day leave...

When to visit a Sinseh opp my house... Pain Pain Pain....

When to work at around 12noon...

After work is already9plus... When to have a drink and talk with Cheryl, Jason and Billie.. When back to Cheryl's house for 2nd round drink at about 10plus.... Drank till 4plus...

At the same time so many thing happen...

I actually talk to TUA YA PEH... He was on Da Jie Fu body.. Ok.. He is a Tang Ki la... But out of no where lor... HE WAS HERE!!!

Ask alot of personal things... But I am gonna say here... Cause it's PERSONAL ma.. heehee...

Reach home talk to Cheryl and Liyn till 6plus and when to sleep...

17th April 2008

Freaking hell... I cant wake up... Dam it...


Luckily.. heehee.. All my colleague dote me... COVER UP for me... hahahha...

Fuck shit during lunch time I hurt my ankle again...

Suppose to go back after work to rub my ankle...


Grrr... I was being pull by the whole company colleague(expect my lady boss la) to have dinner and they all when up to Cheryl's house to play Majong while I watch them played....

As I was being sent by Jason and Agnes to Kahit MRT Station to take bus home... CLUMSY ME!!! I fall on the over head bridge and there go my ANKLE!!!

I hurt my ankle AGAIN!!! WAT THE HELL!!!

OACH!!! =(

Around 11plus, Majong session over... I went home and surppose to wait for Bibi to come and bring me... But I was so tired... So I was being left alone at home to rest...As tomorrow I still have to go see a "Sin seh" to rub my ankle...

Wat a painful day I had...
16th April 2008

Crawl to work... TIRED, Tired, tired....

After work when to have dinner with Mr Calfred Chua at Expo... When home to change, make up and pick up my cloths for the next day...

When to St James at around 10plus near 11pm...

Drink till 1 plus.. Reach Ang Mo Kio at about 2plus...

But yet SLEPT at 6plus.....

And bloody hell... I sprain my ankle...

Stupid ...
AND thats me!!!
15th April 2008

After work when to Simei to have dinner with Mr Calfred...

After dinner went home to wait for Bibi...

I am having a sleepless night today I guess...

When to Bibi's Aunty house to sleep as, his Aunty and Uncle went to Genting...

Sleep on a mattress there and I WAS SO "REN CHUANG" I cant sleep...

Turn here and there finally I guess around 2plus then I get to sleep... Only for a few hours... It's already 6am...

Sian time to work...
14 April 2008

Chiong for my sales target all the way.. But it seems like I am doing bad now...

Haiz... and some more it is Monday...

Well, Monday really BLUES...

When home after work... Too tired to go anywhere le...

Sleep is best medicine cure dark ring...
13th April 2008

Sunday.. Family day?


Kinda off la...

When home from Ang Mo Kio around 4plus...

Didn't when to help mummy..

Just wanted to spend some quality time with my Bibi...

When to Changi beach to find Cheryl and Da Jie family at the beach at about 6plus...

But too bad... Wat a waste went we reaches there, they are about to pack and go... So took their lorry out to Pasir Ris and we took a bus to Tampines 201 to have our dinner and walk arond there...

Head home at about 10plus...

And finally 11plus I am already ZZZzzzzz....

Good night....
12th April 2008

When home in the afternoon 3plus from Ang Mo Kio...

Reaches home at 4plus in the afternoon...

When to help Mummy at 5plus...

10plus when home change...

11pm... When Ang Mo Kio to change...

1am... When to DF with Liyn...

6am in he MORNING reaches Ang Mo Kio!!!


Schedule of my day.. Hahaha.. Lazy to write to much...

Drink drink Drink...
11th April 2008

FINALLY... Whoohoo... It's Friday le...

Kinda of like no mood to work at all sia.... Has lost a major deal yesterday... Now I am so sian sia... BORING!!!

When to play MAJONG again... Hahaha... This time round play over night after work at Cheryl house.. Play till 4 plus.....


Bibi I wan to say I LOVE YOU!!!
10th April 2008

After TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY latess of sleeping...

After work I went back home to have my Beauty sleep...

But today in the office I was suppose to close a major deal.. BUT FUCK!!! Fuck the stupid candidate... She REJECTED the job... WAT THE HELL!!!


It's so shiok.. Back to hame.... HOME SWEET HOME!!! Tomorrow will be a new fresh day for me again...


sleep... Sleep... SLEEP!!!!
9th April 2008

Don't know why.. I felt so tired today... But same thing I went to work in the morning... After work when to have dinner with Cheryl... Was to too tired to crawl home le...

People are asking me to join them at DF but!!!

I am dam TIRED!!!

WHY!??? I feel that my body is getting weaker le.. WTH!!!

Anyway to avoid myself going to DF tonight... I went to Cheryl's house to play MJ with my colleague... Play till 11plus and when home to sleep...

But today Bibi is not at home...

Sob sob...

I miss Bibi's smell so much...
8th April 2008

Is Agnes baby BIRTHDAY today!!!

Went to a pub... I forget the name le.. hahaha.. a KTV pub near the SGH i think.... erm... Anyway when there drank 2 bottle of brandy with Jenn and the guys... After that around 12 plus went home with 1 of our friend on bike...

So shiok sia... But still kinnda of like drank not enough... hahahaha....

Now I am tired again...
7th April 2008

When to work in the morning... As ususal.. So tired...


When to have dinner... And when home to rest... Shiok to rest so peacfully there at home...

Rest Rest Rest...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

6th April 2008

SUNDAY!!! Cant believe it I am at home sleeping resting all the way to recover my energy for the next week events... wahahaha... Same thing nothing to do.. So go help out mum at her stall lo...


5th April 2008

Was all the way being a good mummy girl at home the whole day till afternoon, I went to meet up with Joan... As she wanted to bake cookies for her BF.. And when there to help her out with the ingredient around evening time went to help out mum at her stall till 9 plus.. Shack as I reach home.... Nothing much to update.. cause I was too tired le...

Wat a super tired day...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

4th April 2008

Surppose to be at St James now...

But yet I am lying at home going to fall asleep soon...

He ask me to stay to accompany him...

But yet my heart is already at St James..


My drinking life style is back again I guess... Maybe is because I am really very moody and down recently... I don know why.. Don't ask me...

Anyway, Recently I also hear something from Bibi about mummy that make me laugh till I crazy...

I think Tuesday be.. Bibi borrow car from Mummy...

When they are in the car, while Bibi send mummy to work...

Mummy: Jerry ah!! You and Ah Yan(me la!) got wat planning for future ah?

Bibi: Huh? wat you mean?

Mummy: See... Ah Yan like that dong dong hee also cannot de ma... She got no responsible she will not work hard and care de...

Bibi: True.. But I say her le... She also like that lay...

Mummy: Arh Bo... you make her pregnant la.... Then she got responsible le... she will be more mature le...


Bibi: Erm... I scared... I scare instead of being more mature she is still the same or get worse...

Ok!!! Though I was abit angry about his answer but yet I still laugh till I phengz... The day when I R.O.M she already mention about it... And now she is hurrying Bibi le... I guess she really hoping to have a grandchild soon...

SO I HAVE DECIDED... Maybe I shall start my PLAN B soon...


Plan B gogogogogo....
Yi Xuan & Yi Kai lai ba...
I am all ready for your...
3rd April 2008

Finally after last night plus I still have not recover from my stupid sickness...

I am down again...

Today I felt giddy the whole day with super super chest pain(difficult in breathing)... Visited the dotor, and he advise me to go hospital for a medical check up as I use to have a hole in my heart... SUAY!!! Anyway I don care la... To me if I have to die tommorrow.. wat for waste my money to check and myself worry.. Bo liao...

Head off to dragonfly with the gang as I am really very down... Met some of the friend there... People like Jonathan, Steven and Ivan... Surprise to see them there...

After that at about 1plus I am tired le... I went home...

Just like wat I promise you... I will be good.. don't worry...

But when I reach home you disappoint me again... You have hurt me again...

Misses you alot...
Worry for our future...
2nd April 2008


Was so happy in the office but....

Wat the hell...

When I reach home, it actually become a bad day for me...

WE quarrel again... Is another tired night again... Today is worse then other day... Almost decided to go our own way... I almost going to tear our Marriage cert... I almost going crazy... I almost dieing... almost got blind... I ALMOST ALOT OF THING!!!!

We are drifting apart... Far apart... That's wat I realise reacently... I have never felt that you are so far away from me before... Things for us are getting bad to worse... Are we really meant to be togather? Or should we let go? Will we be better if we re not togather? Will we be able to fight more on our career if today we just cool down and leave each other a while? can we ever live without each other? WILL WE AND CAN WE???

Wat should I do now?

I am sitting alone?? Thinking and thinking.. I am really tired of guessing...

Will you promise to love me like wat we use to be?

Are we still able to stand till our flat is here?

till our child arrive?

Shack & tired...
Waiting & waiting...
Wat is promise...
Is there anyone to save me???
1st April 2008

YO!!! It's April FOOL DAY!!!!

Though it is April fool day.. But we still got to work and study la... Today we were all called for a meeting after work... Meeting till quite late then we went off.. SHIT MAN!!!

Now I have got my target to hit too le.. Although comparing to the previous sales this target is nothing to me.. Yet I don know why is like so hard for me le... Maybe because I rest too long at home.. Now I am rusty le... hahahha...

Well, Today LUNCH was on our boss... We all set off at 12pm when to eat till 1.30pm...

LOCATION: Keppel Country Club
PRICE RANGE: So so.. Not very ex
ENVIORMENT: Very good and Beautiful

But one thing about this club is that it is not convience for people who does not drive... Ok la.. Understand la... CLUBs are for those rich people and RICH PEOPLE comfirm got drive car de la... But still I think it is not convience at all...

Took alot of picture as my female boss she love to take picture... Especially went see FLOWER!!! Take and take and take... But all the picture I can only have it after my colleague send to my email...

Head back to work after that and seriously working ok.. hahhahaha.... Then after that at around 5pm like I say all was being called for meeting till 8pm then we are being relase!!!


* Picture to be update soon...

Wat a tired day...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

31st March 2008

Got my 1st pay today... 1 week pay...

A new start with everything new and a new pay... Very low paid.. But I swear I am going to climb fast again... I am going stand steady at my place this thime round.. I am not going to fall again... ( Try la ah) hahahaha.....

When home stright after work... Too tired le... Reach home eat le... Havent ever bathe yet I fall asleep le... Again Bibi reach home he woke me up to bathe.. And turn off to sleep at 11.30pm le...

Another tired day...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

30th March 2008

Woke up by Mum's call early in the morening...

Went over to granny house with Bibi to pray my grandpa...

As it is Qing Ming Jie now...

Pray and had our lunch there... After lunch Bibi say long time never go to Whitesand to walk le, cause there is the place where we started our relationship... Many things have change... Walk for awhile and we head to Tampines Mall... But due to me not feeling well and dam tired so we walk for awhile and went home to sleep...

Hahaha... Was surpposed to help mummy this evening... But I was so tired till Mummy, BiBi and Nana called me so many time yet I hear no one at all... AND CARRY ON SLEEPING LIKE PIG!!!


Woke up by Bibi at 7.30pm with dinner ready...

All cook by BiBi alone... So sweet of him... heehee..

Thanks Bibi..

Tomolo is another working day....
29th March 2008

Wake up early in the morning like 11am? EARLY??? hahahaha..... When to Ang Mo Kio Hub NTUC to grap so food to make Salad and Sandwhich....

After that meet up with Bao Li and Pei Yi to go back to Ang Mo Kio to prepare the food... After which we all head off at 4.15pm...

Bao Li send me home to change first and around 5.30pm all of us reach East Coast.... SHIOK AH!!!!
Rush for a bicycle as the weather was so cooling... Before that we were all so hungry that we are munching the salad and sandwhiches before we start riding...

After riding for awhile we reaching the water ski area... So there go Bao Li and Liyn 2 of them pay $42 for an hour to just SKI!!!!

Oh my god!!! To me is just to ex to play... And more over I did not bring extra clothing... So I didnt join them... Cheryl and I was there looking after the stuff...

Around 9pm, When home to pick up Bibi with the rest of them and we head to Pasir Ris Dog Farm 2 to PRAWN again... hahahaha.....

The catch rate there is bad although they keep releasing prawns... Prawn till 12 plus... Bao Li send us back and the rest head back to Ang Mo Kio...

Enjoy myself so much the whole day...
Yet I still miss those days...
28th March 2008

After work should be going over to Ang Mo Kio for Majong... Who knows...


Our Dear Liyn and Bao Li is addicted to


So... Bo Bian Prawning again...

we went there quite late.... And end around 3am...

After that head to Ang Mo Kio to sleep as the next day we are going to East Coast...

Miss those day when you are there for me....