Sunday, April 20, 2008

18th April 2008

Took a half day leave...

When to visit a Sinseh opp my house... Pain Pain Pain....

When to work at around 12noon...

After work is already9plus... When to have a drink and talk with Cheryl, Jason and Billie.. When back to Cheryl's house for 2nd round drink at about 10plus.... Drank till 4plus...

At the same time so many thing happen...

I actually talk to TUA YA PEH... He was on Da Jie Fu body.. Ok.. He is a Tang Ki la... But out of no where lor... HE WAS HERE!!!

Ask alot of personal things... But I am gonna say here... Cause it's PERSONAL ma.. heehee...

Reach home talk to Cheryl and Liyn till 6plus and when to sleep...


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