Saturday, April 5, 2008

1st April 2008

YO!!! It's April FOOL DAY!!!!

Though it is April fool day.. But we still got to work and study la... Today we were all called for a meeting after work... Meeting till quite late then we went off.. SHIT MAN!!!

Now I have got my target to hit too le.. Although comparing to the previous sales this target is nothing to me.. Yet I don know why is like so hard for me le... Maybe because I rest too long at home.. Now I am rusty le... hahahha...

Well, Today LUNCH was on our boss... We all set off at 12pm when to eat till 1.30pm...

LOCATION: Keppel Country Club
PRICE RANGE: So so.. Not very ex
ENVIORMENT: Very good and Beautiful

But one thing about this club is that it is not convience for people who does not drive... Ok la.. Understand la... CLUBs are for those rich people and RICH PEOPLE comfirm got drive car de la... But still I think it is not convience at all...

Took alot of picture as my female boss she love to take picture... Especially went see FLOWER!!! Take and take and take... But all the picture I can only have it after my colleague send to my email...

Head back to work after that and seriously working ok.. hahhahaha.... Then after that at around 5pm like I say all was being called for meeting till 8pm then we are being relase!!!


* Picture to be update soon...

Wat a tired day...

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