Sunday, March 23, 2008

22nd March 2008 - Part 2

When to visit my granny with my Bro & Sis.... Bought some food up for granny...
Before visiting my granny on our way there it was raining heavy...
FUCK... The floor are so slippery and an old uncle fall right in our face suddenly... We were all stund for 5sec... Before we react to help him up... Poor thing...

After that when we reach granny place,it was so heart aching seeing my granny her chin internal skin have got 3 stiches and on the surface chin was 6 stiches..
Ouch... OH MY GOD!!! *PAIN*
And her right elbow have got a super big pastch of blue black like our palm size...OUCH!!!!!!

So scary lor... Really worry for her... Anyway Monday she will be going for an x-ray again...

Hope her head is ok... And nothing go wrong...

After that Liyn and Calfred pick me up.. They accompany me to get my stuff for Monday... After that we head to East Coast as we see the weather is still ok for blading...
BUT! @#$%^&*
After we reach there, less then 5min... It actually...
RAIN!!!! And it's super duper heavy RAIN!!! God Dam it...
But we are crazy... Instead of avoiding the rain... We carry on cyclingin the rain... Althought it is really super cold but yet we enjoy it so much... Cause it is so SHIOK!!! hahaha...
After cycling met up with Winnie at the East Coast Mac... And all when back to my house to shower and head off to Golden Mile to have steam boat... Shiok sia!!!
It's my first time there.... Recommaned by Liyn... The food there is very good, especially the Chicken Rice... *slurp* Delicious is the word... THUMBS SUPER UP FOR IT... (but the food abit ex la) hahahaha.... But worth it....
After our dinner we had our pool session there for an hour... and head to Ang Mo Kio again for...
This time round we are smart and proud that we got more then wat we expected... Total count of 33 prawns in 4 hours.... Worth it man... hahaha... After prawning on the spot we BBQ the prawn and eat it... It's so fresh and sweet even with on a little salt on it...
At about 6.45am in the morning everyone was so tired after le... And we went back to Cheryl house to sleep...

What a fruitful day I had...

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