Monday, March 24, 2008

23rd March 2008
As I slept only 7am this morning...

Woke up at 2plus... BAthe at Cheryl house and about 3plus in the afternoon I head off to Bibi house at Hougang to visit his parent...

Looking at the new cupboard in his old room... It's so beatuiful and some more it's a build in waredrobe... AND it acutally coast $2100 for it... -_-" Suuper EX!!!

When there to have lunch and when off to help mummy at around 5.30pm....

Bought Long John Sliver (My favourite fast food) for My Bro and myself as dinner....

Help till around 8.30pm off I go to catch a movie; Horton at Tampines Mall..

It's a comedy cartoon that is not bad... I love one of the yellow character inside... It's so dam cute la...

Anyway Home Sweet Home after cause tommorrow it's my 1st on work le...

Happy yet Sian and Tired to work.. hahaha...

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