Saturday, March 22, 2008

21st March 2008

Lessie return to Singapore today...

Well, today I really really really stay at home the whole day.. Not even getting my ass move downstair to get my lunch or dinner...

My lunch and dinner for today is MAGGI NOODLE!!!


I am super lazy and down today...

It's 2.17am now... And I am super awake.. I just cant sleep...

Just walk out of the room... When to kitchen... I saw my mum talking to my sis happily, but the moment I call "Ma"... The smile on her face when off stright...


My world seems crashing down when I saw that reaction from her face... I once use to have all her attention more then anyone but now it seems like after I fail in my career etc... Everything seems to change...

Today my mood is like thunder storm, lighting and rainning weather... Many things seems to happen around me and affected me seriously..

CASE 1- My granny

Yesterday my sister called me around 2plus while I was prawning and inform me that my granny have slip and fall at home... She knock till her head, and got a deep cut on her chin.... Well, my Uncle has send her to hospital for stiching her chin and the doctor examined that her blood pressure when up...

* Weeks ago when my Mum and I went to Suan Ming... The guy actully tell us to watch out of our elderly at home cause he/she might have accident happen and the result might not be good... Truth enough it really happen... FUCK!!!!

CASE2- My Sis Friend

Althought this incident does not directly got to do with me but yet it's still a sad incident to me...One of her friend is admitted to hospital yesterday as well... Fell off from 3rd floor while working and hurt his spinal cord.. Now he might be paraylsed.. Have been having operation for 8 hours plus... Poor guy and he is actually ONLY 25... I really don dare to think if that happen to me and I have to depends on wheel chairs forever.... Gota pairs of legs but with no feeling and cant walk or run at all... I guess that kind of feeling is very scary.... I really hope that poor guy can get well soon...

Suddenly I was wandering is everything really fated.. Why can a person fell from 3rd floor and can never walk again... It's very unfair... Life are really very unfair at times...

Being a human is so tired and boring... Everything are being arrange on top.. We cant edit, we cant undo... ONLY FOLLOW BILNDLY...



Anyway I am starting work soon... Monday will be the day le... I really don know weather can I make it or not... But no matter wat I will try my best to work hard and sucess this time round...

I will not give up ...
Cause I am who I am ...

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