Tuesday, February 5, 2008

3rd February 2008


When Shopping with Bibi today... Enjoyed spending my whole day with Bibi..

We went to Tampines Mall today.. Shop around for Bibi's New Year Clothes etc... Shop around for my new Shoe, my new lashes, my new bra, my new shaw and my new contact lens... But shopping around the whole day I COULDN'T FIND MY LASHES IN TAMPINES MALL...

Total spending for total: $300 plus...

Hahaha.. Bibi was so pain to spend so much.. But I think it's ok lor.. Cause 1 year 1 time nia ma... And somemore is Bibi pay for it de.. So I not so heart pain.. wahahahaha... (felt bad, but no choice) hahahaha....

After that around 5pm we head home to rest as we really went out very early to get all our CNY stuffs...

At about 6pm, I when to buy our dinner and also went to NTUC to help mummy get her beer for CNY.. Kao.. I taught I can carry alone.. BUT I AM WRONG.. It's so heavy lor.. Walking under the rain alone with 2 packects of dinner, 1kg of rice (free gift) and 24cans of BEERS!!!! Dam Freaking HEAVVYYY lor... Grr.... But ok la... I still manage to carry home alone slowly... hahaha...

At night we went down to CK at our house downstair to shop for the daily needs again... There go Bibi complaining about our spending today again... hahaha...

I did something so stupid today...

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