Tuesday, January 29, 2008

28th January 2008

Early in the morning I got thousands of


Why cant they just call after 12? Grrrrrrrr.....

Woke by my phone calls at about 11plus...

So suay again... FUCK!@#$%^&

The whole freaking week is like so suay to me...

1st - Jobless
2nd- Urguements and misunderstanding with one of my sister
3rd- Urguements and quarrel with my mum
4th- Keep losing money this few days
5th- My ex Company doesn't want to pay up my commission which was drag for like 4months
6th- My feeling is not right!!!


Good things doesn't come together but BAD things come all in one shot...

When back to my ex company with Joan to ask for my commission as I am super broke now... But when I reach there they just pass me a stupid letter... And when it try calling my ex boss.. He didnt wanted to pick up... Kao!!!! Grrrrrrrrr...................

After that we went to City Plaza to shop for my boots and Jean.

Got myself a pair of Jeans for $35.. U/P: $49 and also a pair of boots at $50 U/P:$69.90

Then after that when for my breakfast cum Lunch cum Dinner at KFC... Pass by Bossini bought 2 cloths for Bibi as he got no time to shop for his Chinese New Years clothings. Got myself a Tee too.. spending at Bossini is $35...

Total spending today is $120.. And now my Chinese New Years shopping Spee is done...

This year over all I spend about $235 for the New Year, which I think I over draft myself alot... More over I am not working now... Shit... I am going to get it from Bibi tonight.. Haizzz....

After that head to Book Kok house again as Joan ask for a game of Majong... Play till 12plus and was being send home by Joan's Dad..

Thanks Uncle.. hahaha....


I am just so SUAY!!!

When will my bad luck just be gone...
Can you just let go???
I am real super tired le...
Fuck (!@#$%^&) mylife...

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