Tuesday, January 29, 2008

27th January 2008


I am so bored at home.. Racking my head to think about how to spend my day for tommrrow?

Haiz... Getting more and more poor le... Cause no job no money...

When home from Cheryl's around 2pm plus in the afternoon... As Bibi called me in the morning that he wanted to go fishing with Boon Kok today..

Take a nap when I reach and woke up by Bibi at about 3plus to go get ready as he go back to Boon Kok's house to pack his wat ever, fishing stuffs and to waste my time instead of feeding mosquito there at the fishing pond... I slowly take my time to prepare, make up and then I took a bus down...

When there and try out fishing for about 30Min's...
NO FISH at all..
It's the 1st time I got no fish... Dam it... So suay!!! Where the hell!!! did all the fishes gone too?

Well, I was boring sitting there so, off I went to Whitesand shopping mall alone to shop for my Chinese New Year clothing (but Bibi pay la... hahaha...) as the guys contiune fishing... I went into the mall, walk around and tried about 20 over pieces of cloths cause I was simply so boring.... When to C.O.A.X and spend about $110 there with a 10% discount there... Got myself 4 tops and 1 red dress... after that head to BUM Equipment to buy myself a mini skirt and a top for about $40 over... Total spending:$150++... Should say is cheap le right?

Then walk back to the fishing pond at around 7pm if I am not wrong...

GUESS WAT!!! When I was back back to the pond... Bibi give me a super shocking face... hahaha... I guess he just very heart pain and scared when I go shopping.. hahaha...

Anyway the result at 8pm was...

NO ONE GOT ANY FISH... hahahaha...


Or they are just so suay like me too...

NB lor!!!! My 3rd prize for today is gone... Why is it 4 and not 8... haizz.....

Life is so miserable without any jobs...

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