Sunday, January 27, 2008

26th January 2008

It's 5.30am in the morning now...

Will there be anyone more crazy then me to update the blog now?

hahahaha.... Currently I am at Cheryl house playing majong...

Losing now... Don know will I win back later? Cheryl is winning alot now... Don know why....

When to Ikea with Joan this afternoon... Suppose to get my room curtain and my bed frame.. But all I don like.. So end up I get a super big box for Bibi's army's stuff and 2 cushion... Bibi when back to camp to report today and because of today mobilization, he ask me to pack his army bag pack...

While I was packing it make me think back 6yrs ago, I use to pack his stuff for him everytime he go back to camp. And that time I was onloy 16 and now I am turning to 23 LE!!!!

Time really fly so fast.. I am really wandering wat will our future going to be.. Will we last forever? Can we have our child,our house and etc...

Sometime I really feel that time flys so fast till I cant even remember wat happen yesterday..

Suddenly I really miss Bibi so much... Regret coming over to play over night majong and left him alone at home...

Sorry Bibi..



Can time be turn back???

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