Monday, January 14, 2008

12th January 2008

When to work in the morning with a super duber,


After work, when to Plaza Singapura to meet Joan...

We went walking around... But too bad real no mood to shop around... Sianzz... Accompany her walk the around the whole afternoon.. When to purchase my Fake eyelash for Chinese New Year...Then went to Ajinsen, to have our lunch and went to have Mango Ice dessert.. Shiok!!!

At about 6plus.. Went to meet my client again... HAIZ.... working again... Head home after that... Felt guilty can't go help Mummy today...

Shag and tired.. Till I super blur... Yet my Bibi still can make me angry..

NB lor...

Si Bei Tu Lan lor...

Why can't you just be better to me?

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