Saturday, March 1, 2008

27th February 2008

Went to Bukit batok with Joan at around 2pm...

Check out our fourture for this year (Suan Ming)...


Mine.... I would said it's half good half bad...

But our Dear girl Joan one is comfirm a good one..

hahaha.... Study hard girl...

After that head to have our super late hour lunch... while Calfred sent us back to Ang Mo Kio... And Joan went home after that....

For me reach Ang Mo Kio around 10pm...


and off we (Liyn, Cheryl and Me) head to St James.. Meet up with Liyn's Sister with a punishment of 3cups of nids there (is BRANDY and not Voka or Chivas... Anyway everytime also like that la... Their Cannon there can never finish de)hahahaha...... -_-""

I was like 1/4 gone after that... Went there to celebrate Da Jie's Birthday...

Party till 2 plus and we left as next day the 2 ladies are working and luckily I still manage to crawl home.... hahahaha....



Always accident happen on me... my index finger and middle finger of my right hand is burn by my own Ciggarette.... Sotong me... Don ask me how I burn myself... Cause I also can't remeber le...

FUCK lor!!! @#$%^&* It's dam pain now... Cause it has already become a huge BLISTER!!!!

I gonna be careful the next time I go drinking man... Cause the last time I fall and have blue black on my knee...


I guess I am really super careless and blur...

Freaking hell...

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