Monday, January 21, 2008

20th January 2008


Early in the morning like 9am BiBi start waking me up!!! Wat the hell...

Today is the only day I can sleep till super LATE!!!!

Anyway force myself to wake up at 11am... Wash up and off we head home to Hougang... Went back for lunch and dinner... In the mean while I took a nap there....

At around 5pm I went down to mum's place to help out till 8.30pm , when the crowd get lesser I went off to "HOME KTV" for a drink with He Yao Kor, Alvin, Gary and 2 more guys ( HeYao Friends)... We drank till about 12 plus and I went back to mum's working place and take her car back with her...

Before going home went for supper... It's been so long since I last ate my supper...

Monday is arriving le...
What should I do?

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