Monday, January 21, 2008

19th January 2008


Was abit piss off today.. Suppose to celebrate Dear's b'dae today but is all ruin by his and charcter & attiude today.. But he is also dam suay la today...

Dear was celebrating his birthday at HOSPITAL today, as his cousin;Qui Yu was admitted into hospital, cause she fainted at home. No choice lor... Dear when there to accompany her, while me Joan and Boon Kok waited for him at home.. But by the time he reach home is already like 1am plus le... So the 3 of us who are waiting for him at home went to 'Cheers' to get him a tub of Ben & Jerry Ice-Cream as a b'dae cake for him..

At the same time I really want to apologise to Richmond and the rest.. Who actually took the effort to organizes the celebration for Dear.. But... you guys kown it la... So super sorry about it... Haiz... "Guys, I am really truly sorry..."

As for me my black hair.. Remember? Yea... I actually went for silkair cabin crew interview today...I was so nervous like shit... and I actually pass the 1st round and got into the 2nd round... BUT!!!! during the 2nd round which is the group interview... I perform like shit... I was so nervous and scare like hell till I even forget about my "Yi Tai" etc...

I really respect my sister now... She can firmly talk to them and get through every round... SOMEMORE it is SIA!!!! And mine is only SILKAIR!!! I already did so badly le... haiz....

Anyway it's a good try...Have to go back on Monday for my re-try of 2nd round..

But now I am pending to go anot..

Should I go or just leave it?

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