Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1st January 2008

HAPPY 2008!!!!!

When home to meet up with Dear, cause he took urgently leave to accompany me today.. Although we are not able to celebrate the last day of 2007 together.. BUT... We can be together and spend the 1st day of 2008 together is also not bad le.. haha...

When to do some shopping... Get the daily needs and my cosmatic...

Went to do some marketing as well.. Buy some food for dinner time..

Today was surppose to be Dear Dear who have to cook.. BUT!!! He really dam lazy so at the end of the day I was the one cooking... It's the 1st time dea complain about my food.. Today my food even I, myself can't take it.. It's horrible...

Haiz.. Juat wat's wrong with me?

Just an answer will do...
Time will tell everything...
31st December 2007

After when to Cheryl house again to celebrate the 2008.. But everyone there seems no mood at all.. Especially Cheryl and Joan who is at the other place... All of us the mood of celebration is not there at all.. All thinking about their own problems...

HOW WE CELEBRATE AT 12? Other then theusual Majong, Beer etc... We actually also watching the DVD till we don even realise it's 12midnight le.. =) So Blur right.. By the time we start wishing each other is alreay 1hour later lor.. ha... Sian...

A look & a glance is enough...

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