Monday, January 7, 2008

5th January 2008

Von & Paul Wedding day.. Congrates the new couple...

Anyway... Drag my feet back to office to finish up the stupid sample because...


Well, after work I when to Cheryl's house to have lunch and rest for awhile then off we go to see her BF Ah Max at Tan Tock Seng.. Poor guy.. So weak now.. Haiz yo.. Really hope he can get well soon... If not Cheryl will have no more HAPPY MEAL to eat le.. Whahaha.. Just Joking Jie...
Finish seeing Max on way back...

All wet including my inner beauty lor..hahahaha....

Head off to mum's working place to help out.. And when to Boon Kok House to stay..

Around 10 plus.. Dear bring me and Joan to Changi End the beach there for a stroll.. As Joan was still upsad about the "MR XXX)". Then we went to Loyang Tua Peh Gong to pray.. We also went there to Qiu Qian.. Haiz.. Mine and Joan one is Xia Qian.. sianz...

FOLLOW BY THAT!!! SuPPEr... Fattening lor... We have fried fish bee hoon, zhai noodle, ice kachang and wu xiang... So many food all gobble up by us.. hahaha... When to by 6 cans of beer before going home.. cause our DEAR JOAN, who cant drink yet wan to try to get drunk.. BUT after 1 and the 1/2 cans.. SHE START VOMIITING LE.. diaozzz... ahahha...

Slept at 3plus.. So tired...

Woman are blind...

Bad or Good don't want to accpect..

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